Fabric from Harvest Moon by Buggy Barn and Itsy Bits arrived last week. Finally I have some gorgeous country checks. It's embarrassing to have country fabrics, but hardly any checks. But no more. Itsy Bits is a lovely range too. Tone on tone with just a little pattern. Nice.
While I spent an afternoon photographing them to list on my website, my little shadow opened his eyes and looked back at me. "How come you're taking all these photos and NONE of me" he said. So just to make him happy...............
I've also listed some of my fabrics on sale. They're a good price and I'll be adding more as they sell.
There's a few changes happening on my website. I've added a few buttons and rearranged others. I've still got a way to go, but it will be easier to navigate your way around when I'm eventually done.